Porn Free Radio

095 – Go Porn Free in 2017 Pt. 1: Your Why

9o1oq9szqzq-ben-whiteYou need to know why you are eliminating porn from your life. The more clear you are, the better.

It can’t just be for your wife, your faith, your family, your job, etc. You have all those things now and you’re still stuck.

This is the first of 3 episodes on going porn free in 2017.

You’ll learn:

  • Why uncovering your true desire is essential to get free
  • The difference between external and internal motivation
  • A powerful exercise to reveal your why

Rev Group Coaching: January Groups

RELAPSEREVOLUTIONGROUPBonoREV group coaching is weekly group coaching for men. It’s confidential with high accountability. We meet through secure video conference.

Each group is led personally by me. And I bring my experience, coaching and leading men for over 12 years on every call.

Registration is now open for January Groups.

Find Out More

1-on-1 Coaching

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