Porn Free Radio

021 Feedback: Forgiveness, Nostalgia, and Voyeurism

MailbagThis week we respond to Pornfree Radio listener feedback from Episode 19 and Episode 20. I am traveling today and recorded this episode on my iPhone with a microphone. Let me know what you think about the audio quality.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What the “full pardon” metaphor in Episode 19 means
  • What role forgiveness plays in our recovery
  • How nostalgia may be a driver in the celebrity triggers discussed in Episode 20
  • Why the child part of us may be the reason we respond to fetishes like voyeurism

“I have found all your topics helpful I wasn’t aware of how much smutty tv, news, social media I had let into my life. I have cut everything out but FB… I’m in a 12 step group now and I no longer go to work hating myself for what I did the night before.”
Pornfree Radio Listener from Facebook

Click Here to Download the Transcript for Episode 021 (PDF)

Leave a comment below or email me directly- matt(at)

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