Porn Free Radio

049 Why Did I Binge After 30 Days of Success?

Why Did IThis summer my mailbox has been full. In this episode, I’ll be answering questions from listeners.

You can always email at I am the only one who checks that email box. Please include your first name. If there is anything you need to keep private please give me the heads up.

Questions discussed in this episode:

  • Why did I Binge after 30 days of success?
  • How do you build more trust in your relationship with your wife?
  • What advice do you have for partners on the other side of porn addiction?
  • How do I not get conceded in my recovery, letting down my guard because I figured it out?


Sprint Coaching for Porn Addiction

sprintAre you getting stuck? I want to help you. I have openings starting this month. Sprint coaching is the fastest way to get a recovery plan in place and start taking action. Fill out an application here and I’ll set up a free 30-min session to see if sprint coaching is right for you.

Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in iTunes. If you haven’t had a chance yet please rate it and review at iTunes because that helps get the word out. I realize this is a porn-themed podcast, so if you don’t want to leave a public review that’s okay. Just leave a rating. Also tell a friend who might benefit from it.
