Porn Free Radio

097 – Go Porn Free in 2017 Pt. 3: Your Tribe

Pornography is a habit that is practiced in isolation and in secret. Isn’t it just common sense that to break that habit you need others?

This is part 3 of our 3-part series for going porn free in 2017.

You’ll learn:

  • Why you need a tribe to recover
  • Why committing to a group is the single most powerful action you can take to go porn free
  • The 7 benefits of being in a strong recovery group

Resources for Creating a Tribe:

  • REV Group Coaching (See below)
  • Recovered Men Secret Facebook Group (Request an invite,
  • rTribe App (Download, tag yourself with #pornfreeradio, and friend “dobber”)

Rev Group Coaching: January Groups

RELAPSEREVOLUTIONGROUPBonoREV group coaching is weekly group coaching for men. It’s confidential with high accountability. We meet through secure video conference.

Each group is led personally by me. And I bring my experience, coaching and leading men for over 12 years on every call.

Registration is now open for January Groups.

Find Out More

1-on-1 Coaching

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