Porn Free Radio

212 – Why Do We Struggle With Commitment?

Today, I am asking some questions… why do we struggle with commitment and follow-through? Why do resist creating healthy boundaries? And finally, if “the opposite of addiction is connection” why do we avoid it?

We’re easily baffled by our behavior when it doesn’t match our intentions. But it has to do with our beliefs and our fear.

It is by going down into the abyss
that we recover the treasures of life.

Where you stumble,
there lies your treasure.

The very cave you are afraid to enter
turns out to be the source of
what you are looking for.

The damned thing in the cave
that was so dreaded
has become the center.

You find the jewel,
and it draws you off.

In loving the spiritual,
you cannot despise the earthly.”

— Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion


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