Porn Free Radio

048 Home Alone Syndrome

nullHave you ever gotten home and realized you were alone with unaccountable time? And your next thought was, “Yippe I can look at porn.”

Or have you ever had 10 minutes of free time on your smart phone and thought no one will know if I do a quick search?

Well you have experienced “Home Alone Syndrome.” It’s that all too common trap we get in when we are alone and feel like nobody is watching. It can short circuit weeks of strong sobriety in minutes.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • About one of our most dangerous threats to being porn free
  • 3 lies that drive “Home Alone Syndrome”
  • 3 ways to counteract this pattern


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10 Ways to Deal With Temptation in the Moment

Download my new guide on temptation. This document has 10 powerful exercises inside for dealing with temptation in the moment. Cheap enough to buy now without regret. Costly enough to make sure you use it later.

Remember this is not a document that you read once and forget about it. It’s made to use in the MOMENT, when you’re on the EDGE, to jolt you back to safety. Use it wisely and it could save your butt today.

Visit to get your copy.

Sprint Coaching for Porn Addiction
Are you getting stuck? I want to help you. I have openings starting this month. Sprint coaching is the fastest way to get a recovery plan in place and start taking action. Fill out an application here and I’ll set up a free 30-min session to see if sprint coaching is right for you.

Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in iTunes. If you haven’t had a chance yet please rate it and review at iTunes because that helps get the word out. I realize this is a porn-themed podcast, so if you don’t want to leave a public review that’s okay. Just leave a rating. Also tell a friend who might benefit from it
