Porn Free Radio

108 – 110 Days Porn Free While Studying For The Bar Exam

In this episode, we open the Pornfree mail bag, read your letters and answer questions like:

  • Any suggestions for parents of someone who doesn’t seem to want to fight to be porn free?
  • Do you have any advice for a depressed, porn-addicted teenager?
  • How can a recovering porn addict can engage in good self care at different phases of life?
  • Is it normal to be scared to give up porn?
  • How should Christians think about participation in a 12-step program alongside their faith practice?

Rev Group Coaching: April Groups

RELAPSEREVOLUTIONGROUPBonoREV group coaching is weekly group coaching for men. It’s confidential with high accountability. We meet through secure video conference.

Each group is led personally by me. And I bring my experience, coaching and leading men for over 12 years on every call.

Registration is now open for April Groups.
Find Out More

1-on-1 Coaching

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