Porn Free Radio

128 – The Porn Free Plan That Never Fails Pt. 2

In the second of 2 episodes, I share my journey discovering the The Porn Free Plan That Never Fails.

  • I share the final 3 steps you need to create your own plan
  • Common ways guys get stuck
  • And finally why this system doesn’t fail

Will this work for you?

The answer is simple. If you will honestly face the truth about yourself and your addiction; if you will depend on the help and support of others; if you commit to a plan, activation, and the habit of review, I believe you can indeed join the ranks of those who recover. This system always leads to continual improvement.

Figure 1: The Porn Free Plan That Never Fails

The magic is in the orange arrow. Our Review leads to new Awareness which re-ignites the process.

To review all 5 steps, steps 1-2 are presented in episode 127.


 Coaching w/ Matt Dobschuetz

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